fusione campane incastellature campane automazione campane automazione porte orologi programmatori radiocomandi diffusione sonori impianti elettrici sistemi protezione volatili contratti manutenzione assistenza-riparazione studio ing. progetti preventivi e visite servizi-info news-servizi

The "COMIN" Company was a small company and it become a bigger one. We are working since 50 years. We work on tower-bells, churches, civic towers, town-halls, schools. We carry out bells, mounts for bells, automations for bells, every type of timer and driver. We supply iron tower-bells and old or new bronze bells.
Our Company is known for the high quality of the carryed out works in 50 years in Italy and abroad, and for the speedy and qualified service. We work together with a civil engineering office to assure the stability of the tower-bells. We are the first company in Europe to have tested the bells thrusts, the tower-bells oscillations,
the results on the building structures, connected with the bells sound. We work in a centre in Volpago del Montello (Treviso), on the Conegliano-Bassano main road. We are equipped to carry out middle-hard structural steel works, middle-hard mechanics, electromechanical works.
We carry out the electrification of bells, according to 46/90 law, and civil and industrial electric installations. Our business office can describe to the customer our products, can make estimates. We offer to the customer a speedy agency service, ready to be called for testing.


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Company and address: COMPANY COMIN s.n.c.
of Comin Andrea & C.
Via Piave, n° 9
31040 Volpago del Montello TREVISO
Phone Numbers: Phone. 0423.620272
Fax 0423.620931
Internet service: e-mail: info@comin.it
VAT CODE : 02468770264
C.C.I.A.A. 212170
Registered in the court of Treviso : 36307
Registered company mark: 00738193
Managers: Mr Comin Maurizio
Mr. Comin Andrea
Administrative and business manager: Mr Comin Maurizio
Technical and sale manager: Comin Andrea
Advice and service manager: Comin Lino
Staff 2 business clerks2
2 lather technicians.
1 electronic technician.
2 electromechanical technicians.
1 carpentar.
Bank: VENETO BANK, agency in Volpago (TV).
The COMIN centre measures 5000mq, of which 2000mq are covered.