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Larch-wood mount (seasoned and treated with protective wax), formed by mortised components and zinked - varnished iron clamp plates; partly soldered and partly fixed with steel bolts, fit to support the old bells and new concertos. Planned to avoid and reduce the thrusts of the bells movement, which damage the building structures; the frame is tested in our centre.

Structural-iron mount, formed by mortised components and iron clamp plates, partly soldered and partly fixed with steel bolts; fit to support the old bells and new concertos, planned to avoid and reduce the thrusts of the bell movement, which damage the building structures. The frame is completely hot-galvanized and it's tested in our centre.

Staircase with heavy rectangular pipe, with zinked iron and shaped steps, with handrail and protection parapets; complete with clamping fittings and hot-galvanized.